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    2015年6月9-11日,美国田纳西大学T.G. Nie教授访问了我校材料学院和三束材料改性教育部重点实验室,我校宁桂玲副校长进行了会见,期间与王同敏、董闯、赵纪军、王清等老师就合作交流进行了沟通与讨论,6月10日上午Nie教授做了题为” Using nanoindentation method to probe the mechanical behavior of materials in small volume”的学术报告,精彩的报告引起了师生极大兴趣,现场讨论热烈。Nie教授还利用晚上时间为学生们做了一次有关“Big Bang”的科普讲座,极大激发了研究生们对科研工作的兴趣。T.G.Nieh教授为国际知名材料学者,担任T.G.Nieh,《intermetallic》和《Materials Letter》两大杂志主编。(王清)


Dr. T.G. Nieh is currently a professor in Department of Materials Science and Engineering at The University of Tennessee. From 1980 to 1992, he worked at Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. (now Lockheed-Martin Corporation) as a Senior Fellow of Research Laboratory. He subsequently worked at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as a Senior Research Fellow until he joined UT in 2004.
Nieh is a world leader in superplasticity and superplastic forming. He is also widely recognized for his work in several material science disciplines, including bulk metallic glasses, nanocrystalline materials, lightweight alloys, metal-matrix composites, intermetallics, refractory metals, bioceramics, and nanolaminates. He published over 400 papers and a textbook on “Superplasticity of metals and ceramics’ and is one of the ISI highly-cited material scientists. He is now serving as Editor-in-Chief of Intermetallics and Editor of Materials Letters, etc..
Nieh received the Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering in 1980 from Stanford University, the M.S. degree in Physics in 1976 from University of Washington, Seattle, and the B.S. degree in Physics in 1973 from National Cheng-Kung University in Taiwan.
Research Areas
Metallic glasses (amorphous alloys); Nanostructured materials; High temperature materials
Selected Awards and Honors
2004 Fellow of TMS (The Materials, Minerals, and Metallurgical Society)
1992 Fellow of ASM International (American Society of Materials)
Professional Activities
Board member of International Advisory Board on Superplasticity, and has served in a number of national review/advisory panels on materials science
Consulting Professor of Harbin Institute of Technology, China; Consulting Professor of University of Science and Technology-Beijing, China; Adjunct Professor of Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
Advisory Board, Department of Physics and Materials, Hong Kong City University



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